Wisdom teeth extractions are a common dental procedure, often necessary to prevent overcrowding, infection, and other dental issues. If you’re considering or preparing for tooth extraction in Cool Springs, TN, here’s everything you need to know with Embassy Dental!

Understanding Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically appear in late teens or early twenties. Due to limited space in the jaw, they can become impacted or grow in at awkward angles, leading to pain, infections, and damage to neighboring teeth. Tooth extraction is often recommended to alleviate these issues.

Signs You Might Need Extraction

  • Pain and Discomfort: Persistent pain in the back of the mouth is a common indicator that wisdom teeth may need to be removed. This pain can sometimes radiate to nearby teeth and the jaw.
  • Infections: Recurring infections or swelling around the gums are signs of potential complications with wisdom teeth. These infections, known as pericoronitis, can develop when bacteria become trapped under the gum flap covering partially erupted wisdom teeth.
  • Overcrowding: Wisdom teeth pushing against neighboring teeth can cause overcrowding, shifting of teeth, and potential damage to adjacent teeth and gums.

The Extraction Procedure

The procedure begins with a consultation where your dentist will assess the positioning of your wisdom teeth through X-rays. Local or general anesthesia may be used to ensure comfort during the procedure. The teeth are carefully removed, and stitches may be necessary to aid healing.

The tooth extraction itself involves carefully loosening the wisdom teeth from their sockets in the jawbone and removing them. In cases where the teeth are impacted (partially or fully covered by gum tissue or bone), surgical extraction techniques may be employed to access and remove the teeth safely. Stitches may be placed to close the extraction site and promote proper healing of the gum tissue.

Recovery and Aftercare Tips

  • Immediate Post-Op: Some bleeding and swelling are normal after wisdom teeth extraction. Bite down gently on gauze pads provided by your dentist to help control bleeding. Applying ice packs to the cheeks outside the extraction area can reduce swelling.
  • Pain Management: Your dentist may prescribe pain medications to manage discomfort following extraction. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can also help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Diet Modifications: Stick to soft foods and liquids initially, gradually reintroducing solid foods as tolerated. Avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods that can irritate the extraction site.
  • Oral Hygiene: Gentle brushing and rinsing with saltwater can aid in healing; avoid vigorous rinsing or brushing near the extraction site.

Embassy Dental

At Embassy Dental in Cool Springs, TN, our experienced team provides compassionate care and expertise in wisdom teeth extractions. Whether you’re dealing with impacted wisdom teeth or other dental concerns, we are here to help you achieve optimal oral health. 

Visit us at Embassy Dental to schedule your consultation and learn more about wisdom teeth extractions in Cool Springs, TN. Your smile deserves expert care!